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Saturday, January 25, 2014


So, a friend shared this on facebook and I had to share it here as a thank you for all the views. :3

Daily Feed 11

 Vincent Valentine by eyes-on-me

 Warrior of Light by darkdeity

 Yuffie by narga-lifestream

 Photo by yurkary

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Art Feed 10

 Kagamine Len by yuegene

 N by Enoki

 Haruno Sakura by nao-dignity

 Sora by songster69

 Terra by sandman-ac

 Jack Frost by KorouOo

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily Feed 9

Kakashi by sanetomoijuin 

 Kamanosuke Yuri by asaginanami-nero

 Kise by yuegene

 Leda by noircoulisses (don't entirely know if this is from some show/anime/manga/movie. Comment if you know it.)

 Kaito by yuegene

 Mad Scientist by nikitachikita005

 Maji Love 1000 (Tokiya Ichinose) by yuegene
 Jack Frost by rfnkaujcua

 Jack Frost by saibou-kun

 Jack Frost by lookplu8