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Monday, March 17, 2014

Daily Feed 13

 I-No by overclass2

 Sebastian Michealis by Yuegene Fay

 Snow White by Blanca Nieves

 The Riddler by Unknown

 Katniss by LuLu

 Squall  by Yujie

  Rathalos by Naoki

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Daily Feed 12

 Yomi by =windwalker035

 Clockworker by SinaDominoCollins

 Yoko Littner by Saya

 Tinker Bell by Helen-Stifler

 Jack Krauser by John-MacGyver

 Altair by apertureashley

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014


So, a friend shared this on facebook and I had to share it here as a thank you for all the views. :3

Daily Feed 11

 Vincent Valentine by eyes-on-me

 Warrior of Light by darkdeity

 Yuffie by narga-lifestream

 Photo by yurkary

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Art Feed 10

 Kagamine Len by yuegene

 N by Enoki

 Haruno Sakura by nao-dignity

 Sora by songster69

 Terra by sandman-ac

 Jack Frost by KorouOo

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily Feed 9

Kakashi by sanetomoijuin 

 Kamanosuke Yuri by asaginanami-nero

 Kise by yuegene

 Leda by noircoulisses (don't entirely know if this is from some show/anime/manga/movie. Comment if you know it.)

 Kaito by yuegene

 Mad Scientist by nikitachikita005

 Maji Love 1000 (Tokiya Ichinose) by yuegene
 Jack Frost by rfnkaujcua

 Jack Frost by saibou-kun

 Jack Frost by lookplu8

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Daily Feed 8

 Kaito by yuegene

 FF IX by aidaotaku

 Ryuk by Unknown

 Ion Fortuna Young Prince by silentcircus90

 Jack Frost by stormyprince

 Jack Frost by lookplu8

Monday, December 23, 2013

Daily Feed 7

*We will edit these soon. Please give us some time. The names of the characters and models will be given. It takes time to find out who they are and some we may never be able to identify. If you know who it is, please, leave a comment. If you know the characters, please, leave a comment*
 Princess Yue by Unknown

 Katara by Unknown

 Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len by yuegene  

 Black Rock Shooter by yuegene (Since I've never seen the show, what is his name?)

Yukari by yurkary

 Yukari by yurkary 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Daily Feed 6

The names of the cosplayers will be added later. As of right now, they're unknown.

 Korra and Zuko by Unknown

 Tomb Raider by Unknown

 Mei and Zuko by Unknown

 Princess Yue by shotzgoboom 

 *Can someone send the name of the anime/game/manga this guy is from? Please leave a comment*

 Naruto by Unknown

 Princess Yue by shotzgoboom